I received the Kreative Award from Our Creative friend LisaMichele.
I am very honored and thankful to Lisa who thought that I deserve this award with twelve other bloggers. Now it's my turn to pass this award to thirteen bloggers who deserve this award but first I need to tell 7 things about me, (This is a requirement that comes with this award prior to passing it on)
1- I am very sensible, warm hearted, and trust every one (I don't know if this good - I am
working on it)
2- I was born and raised in Beirut - Lebanon, where all my family still live
3- I am married to a French Canadian and live in North Bay, Ontario
4- I don't like cold weather, and the Canadian winter.
5- I am a vendor at two local farmer's markets
6- I like to start a Culinary Tour's Business (I am a licensed travel agent and I love cooking)
7- I started the Walima Cooking Club on March 2009.
Now my turn to pass this award to thirteen bloggers who deserve this award:
1- Sabah : http://www.sousoukitchen.blogspot.com/
2- Farida: http://www.azcookbook.com/
3- Bellini: http://www.morethanburnttoast.com/
4- Paoletta: http://www.aniceecannella.blogspot.com/
6- Antonella: http://www.croce-delizia.blogspot.com/
7- Chahira: http://www.chahirakitchen.blogspot.com
8- Susan: http://www.wildyeastblog.com/
9- Julia: http://www.melanger.worldpress.com/
10-Deeba: http://www.passionateaboutbaking.com/
11-Natalie: http://www.snookydoodlecake.blogspot.com/
12-Yasmeen: http://yasmeen-healthnut.blogspot.com/
13-Tony: http://antonitahhan.com/