True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.
Some friend you meet through many aspect of life, some live close to you, and some you look forward to meet one day. You built wonderful relations through the blogosphere many friends sharing many things in common, beside the love of food, and creating healthy tasty meals from scratch. Some become part of your daily life, and you chat with them more that you see or talk with your real friends.
So true, who would have guessed two years or so I will be part of the blogosphere and I will meet many wonderful blogger friends who share the love and passion of creating amazing food from around the world.
God sends us many blessings
from the heavens up above,
He gives us peace and gladness
and the dear ones that we love.
He cheers us with the shinning sun
and He makes the flowers grow
He gives us beautiful rainbows
and the special faith they show.
He gives the gift of friendship
While He teaches us to share
And He blesses us with special friends
so we can show how much we care
One of the wonderful friends I got the honour to meet through bloggerAid is Adele from my friend Adele is from South Africa, a place I always wanted to visit. I have three cousins and many relatives living there.
Adele and I decided to celebrate our cross-cultural friendship with a competition for our readers. We challenge you to take any Lebanese or South African recipe, tweak it, chop and change it, and make it your own. We will do a round-up, and the most original adaptation will win our prize, which we will send to you wherever you are.
The prizes are two beautiful Organic Dish Towels and a fabulous Nordic Ware reversible cookie cutter, with 4 winters shapes each side, from

Excited? Here are the rules:
- Choose any South African or Lebanese recipe from any blog, book or internet site, and adapt it to your own taste and/or culture.
- Blog about it before Monday 17th May, and send a link and photo to willworkforbiltong (at) gmail (dot) com
- If you don't have a blog, send your post to Adele and she will post it for you on her blog. (I am sorry for giving Adele all the work, I am busy preparing for couple of spring shows, and mother day craft show)
- Adele and I will post a round-up, and announce the winner.
- Your entry should be for this competition only.
We are so excited to show off our cuisine to everybody out there, and can’t wait to see what you will invent for us.