It was a simple choice for the birthday cake, the Landry's love love love chocolate, I choose a double chocolate cake with chocolate ganache frosting, check the earlier posting for the recipe.
Now when it comes to a child birthday cake, you have to very careful with what you are using… my plan was doing an Ariel Cake and cover the cake with homemade fondant as well as the doll, also make fondant under the sea characters. To be honest, it will be a gorgeous cake, but do you really want a five years old girl to eat all that sugar even if its her birthday cake, who cares if the cakes is gorgeous or not… It’s covered with sugar. I know for surel that Lorraine will not be happy giving Nia all that sugar, and the cake will stay in North Bay for someone to eat, and will not go with them to Mississauga…
For sometime I wanted to try Farida’s Zebra Cake it looks great the recipe doesn’t include lot of sugar … I still wanted to go with under the water theme, and I wanted to use a nice icing which will stay perfect on the cake, light and not overly sweet… and my seven minutes icing is perfect for the job... it never failed me before. The candy store has a big variety of jelly candy, I found several under the sea characters , I grabbed couple of each and went back to assemble the cake.
By the way when we carried the two cakes we left Nia’s cake in the truck, I wanted to surprise her… and oh boy, she was surprised for sure, she yelled, cried from joy and hugged and kissed me then hugged me again... I leave the rest for the photos.