the first time I saw this recipe in an Italian Food Blog I wanted to make it, but the author used two kinds of dough the Brioche and the puff pastry, and in between was a layer of Pastry Cream then the two dough were rolled and cut into round disks the photos attached to the recipe are awesome and it tells how delicious and flaky the dough is .. but due to my tight schedule I wanted a simple recipe where I can quickly prepare and at the same time get the same flavour and look. I spotted Sabah from Sousou' recipe for Brioche and Pastry cream , and I decided to give it a try, and I am glad I did.
here are some of the photos.... For recipe go to

I just love brioche. Yours looks so lovely. Beautiful!
Hello Julia
How are you... Thank you so much for your sweet comments and return visits..
I love Brioche too, and always in search for new ideas to use, the latest is even adding chocolate chips over the pastry cream then roll like cinnamon buns, cut and leave to double before baking...
Hi Arlette,
thanks for visiting my blog, yes you're right it was "krush"...
looking at these beautiful buns,I am hungry now!
take care
hi my dear
how are you?
waw i like brioche too & yours looks so delicious
i wish you a happy ramadan ( i don't know if you have it) any way you know i like you as my sister & i wish you the best
Hi my dear, your brioche look better than mine, I am proud of you Arlette.
Happy Ramadan to you and to your family.
Wow Arlette, this brioche look divine, and delicious with pastry cream. What a treat!
Brioche is hands down one of my top 5 fav breads, so rich and buttery, eggy etc. Pastry cream is something people have to keep me from eating with a spoon if I need it for a recipe. OMG, pastry cream filled brioche is a dream for me! It kind of reminds me of the custard filled buns at Asian bakeries, which I stock up on..but 10 times better! Wow, they look gorgeous and amazing! You really did a magnificent job.. and I better x out before I drown in drool!
It's been a while since I made anything doughy, but these really look amazing. They look similar to Pogaca a turkish savory pastry filled with white cheese. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Ramadan ...
your Brioche they look sooooooooooo delicious with THE pastry cream .
Sa7a :)
wow these look spectacular! and so good!
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